On-the-Go Snacks
Hannah Fleming
When you’re on-the-go and living a healthy active lifestyle, having go to favorite snacks are a must. Here are a few of mine that you can almost always find stashed in my purse, car or gym bag!
Some of my favorites!
1. Fresh and dried fruit: Fresh is always better the number one choice, and usually will be an apple, banana or dates. However, my go-to dried fruit is Trader Joe’s “Just Mango Slices”. I usually bring these on hikes as my own plant based “Jerky”.
2. Bars: while I’m not proud of it, I don’t make NEARLY as many homemade granola bars as I used to and picking up some bars on-the-go is extremely convenient.
a. High Activity: Luna Bars, Lara Bars Clif Bars and Clif Builder Bars. These extra calories, Carbs and Protein are definitely needed.
b. Low Activity: Lara Bars, Clif Kid’s Bar, Trader Joe’s Just Fruit bars, local natural bars.
3. Coconut Water: after a hike, or a long day of being in the sun, I look to Coconut Water (regular, not flavored), to re-hydrate!
4. GORP : Good ol’ raisins and peanuts, AKA trail mix!
5. Pretzels/Chex Mix: definitely not the healthiest option, BUT sometimes after a long day of hiking (and sweating away all your salt) you want something crunchy and salty!