Mt. Baldy Sunrise Hike
Hannah Fleming
We all have those moments in life when we are 100% content with what we are doing. Your mind isn’t wandering, wishing you were somewhere else, or doing something different with different people. These are the moments we have to stop and pay attention to.
At some point along the 4,000 ft. hike up to the summit of Mt. Baldy, with only the moon and our headlamps lighting the way, I had one of these moments.
Dressed in running tights, base layers, an awesome Patagonia Nano-Puff, my Michigan State winter hat (still celebrating the B1G Championship Game win from the night before), and a head lamp to top it all off, we started our hike around 3:00 AM. Stowed in our packs we had cameras (mine being a Cannon Rebel SL1) thicker gloves for the top, snacks (Clif Bars and dried fruit), and of course water (we each fill our CamelBak’s and carry another 1L water bottle). This hike is strenuous, and the path can get a little unclear at times, but I felt safe. I had done the hike twice before, and was with more experienced hikers.
Honestly, when I’m doing a hike for the first time all I can think about is getting to the top. I’m working on this. Yes, I wanted to make it to the top, I wanted to be able to relax and take in this AMAZING sunrise. But I wasn’t as anxious as usual to get there. This is important. During this hike I was genuinely enjoying the challenge, which made me realize how important being outside is to me.