A Letter to California Pumpkin Patches
Hannah Fleming
First time my Pumpkin has had cactus friends..
Dear California Pumpkin Patches,
Going to the Pumpkin Patch is one of the best parts of Fall, and should be treated as such. A trip to the Pumpkin Patch is one of my top three favorite Fall things (behind Football and Foliage). I suggest taking a quick trip to a Mid-Western state to learn what makes them so amazing. But in case that is not possible, I have compiled a short list of things that one should experience at the pumpkin patch.
The necessary Trio:
Pumpkins: this one is obvious, and you do a great job. But they're ridiculously over priced, and I ended up getting one for 1/5 of the price at Trader Joe's.
Apple Cider: This is a BIG one you're missing. Basically, people care about this just as much as pumpkins.
Donuts: because, DONUTS.
Bonus item: Apples. Apples are ideal, and i've rarely been to a pumpkin patch that also doesn't sell apples.
If these changes are made, I predict a huge increase in revenue, resulting in a corresponding increase in overall Fall cheer amongst Californians!
Side Note: Shoutout to Trader Joe's for providing me with a great pumpkin to carve, delicious apple cider, Organic Pumpkin Puree, and Brownie Mix. They saved the day, and paved the way for a relaxing day of Football and Baking.
Fall Recipe: Vegan Pumpkin Brownie Recipe:
1 can pumpkin puree + any brownie mix + mix and bake as normal = delicious vegan brownies